Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Presentation of Self in Everyday Life free essay sample
A conversation on Erving Goffmans association hypothesis. This paper examines the hypothesis of ?self-introduction? offered by the acclaimed humanist Erving Goffman. This hypothesis concerns the conduct of an individual in everyday associations. The creator gives models so as to show how the hypothesis applies to genuine circumstances. Erving Goffman offers a one of a kind hypothesis of cooperation, which has been both profoundly acclaimed and scrutinized by different sociologists. While some accept that Goffman has been completely exact in his suspicions that a man normally presents his self with a particular goal in mind to others which is regularly not the genuine him, there are other people who feel this may offer at certain occasions particularly when we met another person yet with our old partners we let go of the fa?ade in light of the fact that they realize us well and we don't to imagine before them. In any case, the reality remains that a man does frequently introduces himself from an alternate perspective when meeting others and regularly the exhibition is persuading to such an extent that it doesn't leave any space for uncertainty or doubt. We will compose a custom exposition test on Introduction of Self in Everyday Life or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Locke Is This True Justice Essay Research free essay sample
Locke: Is This True Justice? Exposition, Research Paper Locke: Is This True Justice? Equity is liable for doing certain the state is taken consideration of and that all threats or employments be taken consideration of each piece great. It is key that the residents be dealt with each piece, and they all get the opportunity to parcel what they think. Equity can neer be served without uniformity and opportunity included, or occupations will start. Locke fits the idea of justness the best out of the three ( Locke, Hammurabi, Machiavelli ) . Something he said was # 8220 ; specialists exists to proceed justness and equity # 8221 ; . Both Hammurabi and Machiavelli said specialists was here to maintain force and control, in any case, neither of them referenced anything about equity. Infact, Hammurabi said that the rich are acceptable and the hapless are awful. Machiavelli accepted universes are on a very basic level awful and non to be trusted. Governments using disparity or non permitting opportunity to its residents have been known to hold employments. We will compose a custom article test on Locke Is This True Justice Essay Research or then again any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page States with absolutisms or Communist authoritiess are going neglected on the grounds that individuals are inevitably talking against their uneven convictions. The Ceaucescu Revolution was a decent outline of a absolutism brought somewhere around its kin. The individuals were driven past the bound also, over fueled their terrible legislative pioneers for both their ain great and their states great being. Another situation where this was shown was the point at which the Berlin Wall was torn somewhere around the individuals of Germany. They tore down the hindrance that was made by their pioneers that had kept them from their famili Es for over 30 mature ages. The Torahs of Hammurabi and Machiavelli would go through these occupations in the event that they were all the while being frequently utilized today. Locke other than said that # 8220 ; specialists which does non pass on about open advantage ought to be arranged # 8221 ; , this goes directly alongside the defintion of justness. On the off chance that the specialists is lying about everything or disguising of import things from its kin, it must be arranged. They are chosen for help us and permit us cognize about our state and in the event that they are expressing us lies, or keeping up material from us, they are non benefitting the people. In the event that the masses needs to cognize, so it shouldn # 8217 ; t be the specialists who chooses if data benefits the people or non. It is their obligation to partition it with us. We choose individuals who state they will make this and if chosen for represent our state, keep up us educated. In any case, when they do get chose, they turn on us and lie to us. The U.S. shown the use of this when the individuals rebelled against Richard Nixon and drove him out of office for his equivocations. At the point when the specialists or individuals in it are degenerate it is significant that we # 8220 ; arrange # 8221 ; them. In spite of the fact that our specialists may non be following Locke # 8217 ; s Torahs or might be as flawless as we need, we ought to be happy that they wear # 8217 ; t use the Torahs of Machiavelli or Hammurabi. On the off chance that we utilized their Torahs we would all be in issue. Never the less, genuine justness can # 8217 ; t continue for anybody if balance and opportunity are non included. People groups must have the option to talk their head and be kept acceptable educated on the situation of what # 8217 ; s occurring in their state, city or whatever.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Sequoyah Sequoyah sikwoi ´? [key], c.1766â€"1843, Native North American leader, creator of the Cherokee syllabary, b. Loudon co., Tenn. Although many historians believe that he was the son of a Cherokee woman and a white trader named Nathaniel Gist, his descendants dispute this claim. To most Americans he was known as George Guess; to the Cherokee he was known as Sogwali. The name Sequoyah was given to him by missionaries. A silversmith and a trader in the Cherokee country in Georgia, he set out to create a system for reducing the Cherokee language to writing, and he compiled a table of 85 characters; he took some letters from an English spelling book and by inversion, modification, and invention adopted the symbols to Cherokee sounds. There is some dispute as to when the syllabary was completed. Many historians date its completion at about 1821; Cherokee tradition holds that it was created much earlier and was actually in use as early as the late 18th cent. In 1822, Sequoyah visited the Che rokee in Arkansas, and soon he taught thousands of the Native Americans to read and write. He moved with them to present-day Oklahoma. Parts of the Bible were soon printed in Cherokee, and in 1828 a weekly newspaper was begun. His remarkable achievement helped to unite the Cherokee and make them leaders among other Native Americans. The giant tree, sequoia , is named for him. See biographies by G. Foreman (1938, repr. 1970) and C. C. Coblentz (1946, repr. 1962); Traveller Bird, Tell Them They Lie: The Sequoyah Myth (1971). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Sequoyah Sequoyah sikwoi ´? [key], c.1766â€"1843, Native North American leader, creator of the Cherokee syllabary, b. Loudon co., Tenn. Although many historians believe that he was the son of a Cherokee woman and a white trader named Nathaniel Gist, his descendants dispute this claim. To most Americans he was known as George Guess; to the Cherokee he was known as Sogwali. The name Sequoyah was given to him by missionaries. A silversmith and a trader in the Cherokee country in Georgia, he set out to create a system for reducing the Cherokee language to writing, and he compiled a table of 85 characters; he took some letters from an English spelling book and by inversion, modification, and invention adopted the symbols to Cherokee sounds. There is some dispute as to when the syllabary was completed. Many historians date its completion at about 1821; Cherokee tradition holds that it was created much earlier and was actually in use as early as the late 18th cent. In 1822, Sequoyah visited the Che rokee in Arkansas, and soon he taught thousands of the Native Americans to read and write. He moved with them to present-day Oklahoma. Parts of the Bible were soon printed in Cherokee, and in 1828 a weekly newspaper was begun. His remarkable achievement helped to unite the Cherokee and make them leaders among other Native Americans. The giant tree, sequoia , is named for him. See biographies by G. Foreman (1938, repr. 1970) and C. C. Coblentz (1946, repr. 1962); Traveller Bird, Tell Them They Lie: The Sequoyah Myth (1971). The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 6th ed. Copyright © 2012, Columbia University Press. All rights reserved. See more Encyclopedia articles on: U.S. History: Biographies
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Summary Of The Family Notebook - 2051 Words
Grace Weiner 9/14/2016 2B Running in The Family Notebook Assignment Section 1 – Chapter Summaries Prologue: Drought Since December – shows the author getting used to the climate of Ceylon because of how much it differs from where he came from. †¢ Intense heat †¢ Reminiscing of when he used to be in Ceylon Asian Rumors: Michael longs for a return to Asia. This section expresses his feelings for Ceylon and how important the place is to him. Asia – analyzes and dreams about Asia during Michael Ondaatje’s farewell party. †¢ Suggests he wants to return home Jaffna Afternoons – describes house in Jaffna (top of Ceylon). The author describes his Aunt as â€Å"the minotaur†and shoes his visual way of writing. †¢ Intro into family tree A Fine Romance: The section altogether highlights the relationship between Michael’ mother and father without going into great detail of who they are as people. The section also goes into some detail regarding the cultural aspects of Ceylon between men and women. April 11, 1932 – retelling memories of Michael’s parent’s wedding. It introduces different styles of writing because of the date included. The Courtship – intro of the parents of Michael Ondaatje. You learn backstories of relatives in this chapter as well. Honeymoon – The title is honeymoon however Ondaatje never mentions their honeymoon but events that happen during their honeymoon. The events deal with natural disasters, deaths, and more unfortunate events. Historical Relations – 1920’sShow MoreRelatedCultural Analysis on the Country of Mexico Essay623 Words  | 3 Pagesconsideration, identify aspects of a country’s environment for possible adaptation, and develop a strategic market approach. One further use of the information collected in the preliminary analysis (cultural analysis) is as a basis for country notebook. A country notebook includes a Cultural Analysis, Economic Analysis, Market Audit and Competitive Market Analysis. The data suggested in the cultural analysis includes information that helps the marketer make market-planning decisions. However, its applicationRead MoreSemester A Unit 3 Lesson 31626 Words  | 7 Pagesmight have the central idea of â€Å"the struggle of slavery.†How would we find the central idea as we read? Maybe we would make a list of details we saw in the text. We would certainly need to analyze the text for context clues. Open your digital notebook and describe your strategy and the learning skills you will use to succeed in this lesson. image: Instruction, Modeling and Student Activities The central idea is the centralRead MoreSemester A Unit 3 Lesson 31626 Words  | 7 Pagesmight have the central idea of â€Å"the struggle of slavery.†How would we find the central idea as we read? Maybe we would make a list of details we saw in the text. We would certainly need to analyze the text for context clues. Open your digital notebook and describe your strategy and the learning skills you will use to succeed in this lesson. image: Instruction, Modeling and Student Activities The central idea is the centralRead MoreDevelopmentally Appropriate Practices ( Dap )960 Words  | 4 Pagesmaterials, activities, and direct interactions that lead the student into active learning. The observations for this report were conducted at the Laredo Community College Camilo Prada Early Child Development Center in the blue classroom. OBSERVATION SUMMARY #1 – INDOOR SPACE . The blue classroom met DAP practices in that the furniture was sized appropriately to the ages of the children that were in that classroom (approx. 4-5yrs) and in the way classroom was arranged. The centers were easy to accessRead MoreMarketing Analysis : Marketing Strategy1611 Words  | 7 PagesMarketing Strategy Research Paper Summary After careful review of the multinational companies that are out there today, I decided to go with HTC. As many of us know HTC is well known for their carefully crafted mobile products. HTC is mainly known for the cell phones to many but let’s take a look at things in reference to tablets, televisions and computers. As the new market manager for the company I would like to introduce the HTC M10 notebook. This notebook will include the finest Intel PC processorRead More The notebook Essay820 Words  | 4 Pages Outline I.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;About the author A.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The author of The Notebook is Nicholas Sparks B.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Sparks was born in Omaha, Nebraska, on New Year’s Eve. C.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;He has been on the New York best seller’s list. II.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Characters A.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Noah Calhoun 1.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;He is not a very wealthy person. 2.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;He loves toRead MoreCountry Notebook2858 Words  | 12 PagesPART SIX Country Notebook THE COUNTRY NOTEBOOKïš ¼A GUIDE FOR DEVELOPING A MARKETING PLAN TH E CO UN TRY N O TEB O O K O U TLI N E Cultural Analysis Economic Analysis Market Audit and Competitive Market Analysis Preliminary Marketing Plan 580 Part 6 Supplementary Material In each guideline, speciï ¬ c points must be adapted to reï ¬â€šect a company’s products and/or services. The decision as to the appropriateness of speciï ¬ c data and the depth of coverage depends on company objectives, productRead MoreThe Notebook : Family Analysis : Movie Setting And Story1503 Words  | 7 PagesThe Notebook Family Analysis What is family? According to our class notes, two or more persons joined together by bonds of sharing emotional closeness who identify themselves as being part of the family, stated by Friedman. Friedmans definition of the family is displayed in the movie, The Notebook. An assessment of the family unit is seen throughout the movie setting and story. Movie Setting and Story The main characters in The Notebook include: Allie, Noah, Allies parents, and Noah’s fatherRead MoreCase Study : Raven s Raven 1468 Words  | 6 PagesArts in order to meet grade level standards. The student is proficient in English and has no needs related to limited English Proficiency. The family is supportive and willing to help their son in any way they can. His mother is a highly involved member of the PTA. The family’s goals for the student are for him to graduate with his same-age peers. The family has no concern for the student at this time. The student interacts with his same age peers in a respectable manner. 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Thursday, May 14, 2020
Grooming Essay - 1043 Words
Grooming is an art form. Ask any groomer, and they’ll tell you that grooming is so much more than just shampooing and clipping. It’s a skill that requires education on the latest tools and techniques. It’s a practice that is physically demanding and equally as rewarding. Jill Pipino of ManeTame, a pet styling salon in Clifton Park, New York, considers the profession an art form. In fact, that’s why she stuck with the business in the first place. After adopting a pit bull mix who didn’t like getting her nails done, Pipino decided to learn how to do it herself. She realized she was good at it and started bathing and caring for the nails of her other pets as well. She had always wanted to work with animals, so started apprenticing at a†¦show more content†¦It is Shelly’s hope that, especially those new to grooming, learn ways to advance in the industry and also pick up some new business kills along with grooming skills. The Attendees â€Å"Groom Expo is for anyone who makes a full or part-time living from professional pet care... or is a serious hobbyist,†the show’s website explains. â€Å"Groomers, mobile groomers, kennel operators and kennel personnel, trainers, day care operators, veterinarians, pet retailers, animal behaviorists, shelter personnel, breeders, handlers, vet techs or anyone involved in the pet industry will find a wealth of information, products and services to meet [their] needs.†Chris Marks will be one of those in attendance. With a store just minutes from the Hershey Lodge, Marks, owner of Little Paws Dog Shop, might have the shortest travel distance to this year’s Groom Expo. Located in Palmyra, Pennsylvania, Little Paws Dog Shop is a full service dog shop, pet supply store, grooming salon and pet photography center. According to Marks, she lives in a more conservative area, and so she estimates that about 80 percent of her grooming clients make an appointment for a basic haircut, some to breed. There are more people asking for different styles, such as Asian Fusion, and coloring, though. To stay up-to-date on the grooming side of her business,Show MoreRelatedDog Grooming Essay2166 Words  | 9 PagesBe prepared All dogs need grooming, but some dogs need more grooming than others. Baxters owners did not realize that their dog should be combed frequently and completely to prevent kinks and knots caused by intertwining of hairs or by dirt, grit, or vegetative matter in the coat. Mats can pull tender skin and cause pain and lead to hot spots or wounds to irritated skin and eventual infection, general skin outbreaks, or fungus or insect invasion. Shaving may be the only solution for feltedRead MoreReminders of Poverty, Soon Forgotten992 Words  | 4 Pagesright breed and type of pet can be time consuming and difficult. This essay will be comparing dogs to cats as pet considering three factors, grooming needs, breeds, and relationships. Having a clean dog is not the only reason for daily grooming. As you comb through your pets coat to remove surface dirt, you can easily check for those nasty seasonal tagalongs, fleas and ticks. (Moore, A. (2004). Brush Up on Your Grooming Skills. Prevention, 56(8), 176-178). For dogs, Fill the sink or tubRead MoreBUS 303: A Persuasive and Descriptive Essay on Traffic on Freeway1838 Words  | 7 Pagesï » ¿Persuasive and Descriptive Essay The loud screech of brakes and chaos of cars madly attempting to avoid hitting each other froze the rush hour traffic to a standstill in pure fear. You could literally smell the burned rubber, fuel and fear in the hot afternoon sun. In an instant of extreme paranoia all the drivers on the freeway stopped and looked to see what had nearly caused at least four cars to go hurtling into each other. In the fast lane sat a young man chatting on his cell phone andRead MoreEssay Outline Practice982 Words  | 4 PagesMaking an Outline A Plan That Builds an Essay ay s Es --- -- ---- ---- ------- ----- The Benefits of an Outline An outline of an essay: ï ® helps make your essay more organized ï ® A careful plan will help your body paragraphs stay focused on the ideas in your thesis statement. ï ® saves time for writers ï ® Preparing an outline can take time, but you will be able to write the rough draft of your essay more quickly Outline format Essay Outline I. Introduction Thesis: _____________________ IIRead MoreEssay on Military Wear and Appearance1363 Words  | 6 PagesIn this essay I will describe the many requirements and expectations set forth in the armys AR670-1. I will describe the importance of obedience to it and cite many of its detailed descriptions. I am writing this essay because I failed to meet the standards asked of me me by both these regulations, and my leadership. I accept the responsibility of my actions and will not let my failure recur, nor will I let my fellow soldiers repeat my mistake. Since my failure was in regards to grooming or personalRead MoreAge Restrictions On Social Media977 Words  | 4 Pagesthat they may better protect their children. The threat from pedophiles causes an enormous problem for millions of children on social media sites. Unfortunately, Western Daily Press states that â€Å"Pedophiles can get away with grooming young teenagers on social media sites.†My essay will argue that age restrictions need to be in place, and additional regulations should ensure that law enforcement agencies have the tools required to supervise underage children s use of social media, including FacebookRead MoreHaircut Essay2586 Words  | 11 PagesPv2 Johnny. Correctional Essay on Importance of meeting the standards set by AR 670-1. A soldier is a professional and an expert at all times, Because of this his uniform haircut and general hygiene is held to a professional standard. AR 670-1 is the ruling of this standard in which every soldier must uphold to. A soldier is measured by his/her ability to do his job successfully, tactfully, and professionally. The key to doing a job as a professional is a professional appearance, none know this asRead MoreWhat Makes A Herculean Jobs?950 Words  | 4 Pagessometimes take immense dedication and discipline are writing papers and grooming a horse. While at times I love both actives at times they each can become quite tedious, but from each one I have learned different lesson s. Each has shown me that hidden under the muck can be a thing of beauty. Another thing that I have learned from both writing and grooming, is that many things in this world are processes. Whether it be grooming or writing, each one has a certain process that must be done to obtainRead MoreProposed Revisions to the Army Tattoo Policy765 Words  | 4 Pageshigh of a roughly estimated 570,000 troops (Freedberg). At the time the Army was getting what they desired which was a large number of troops, but they came to the point where they couldn’t afford them. This is when the proposed revision to the grooming policy came up for discussion. Now with the updated policy tattoos aren’t the only things taking a big hit hair, makeup, and bodily piercings are taking a hit as well (Dallet). As I was reading along in one of my sources another example that stoodRead MoreGrooming The Horse Is A Process919 Words  | 4 Pagessince I was a little girl, I have been interested in horses. Riding used to be the only thing that I thought of, when I thought of horses, but then I was allowed to care for horses. It taught me that along with riding, grooming the horse is another task that must be done daily. Grooming the horse is a process, which can be quite a Herculean effort at times. Another process that I deal with daily that can take a Herculean effort is writing. While the processes take immense amounts of effort, in each
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Autobiography Of Malcolm X Essay - 1369 Words
Who is Malcolm X? Answers tend to vary by person but in the â€Å"Autobiography of Malcolm X†, it really delved into the pivotal details of his life and readers like myself, went on an enthralling metaphorical journey to see the intriguing development of him as a child, a young adult, a convict, a follower, and ultimately a leader. For starters, Malcolm X was not born with the infamous and famous X. His birth name was Malcolm Little and the innocent Malcolm Little was very belittled (pun intended) in majority of his social environments. At a young age, he experiences the pain of losing his father. In retrospect, his father was just a dust in the wind. Malcolm’s dad was like many other socially active black males, who became inevitable victims that usually were murdered, lynched, burned, etc by the white men in their area. Now, to lose one parent is already tough for many individuals but Malcolm was only to be hammered with more bad news. His mother was sent away by gove rnment workers to a mental institution because his house was deemed â€Å"unstable†(this kind of stuff happened daily to many black families in similar housing situations like Malcolm was in). But Malcolm directed his energy elsewhere. He ends up taking initiative in school and whilst excelling, he ended up loving many aspects of education in America (or so he thought). He climbed his way to become first in rank in his class and even became class president but his dreams was simply crushed by many individuals. One ofShow MoreRelatedThe Autobiography of Malcolm X729 Words  | 3 PagesLiterary Analysis: The Autobiography of Malcolm X The Autobiography of Malcolm X, told by Alex Haley, details the incredible journey of one of the most inspiration and life altering leaders the world has ever encountered. The book begins with the illustration of Malcolm’s early life experiences and ends with X predicting that he will die a violent death prior to seeing the publication of his autobiography. At the beginning of the book, Haley describes how Malcolm’s father, a Baptist MinisterRead MoreAutobiography Of Malcolm X1614 Words  | 7 PagesKaykay Zhu October 19, 2017 The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley is an account of Malcolm X’s evolving perspective on racial justice. Malcolm X was a prominent figure in the Nation of Islam who advocated for black nationalism and separatism. The man who became one of America’s most powerful voices for African Americans was deeply affected by the terrors of racism, which shaped his view of social justice and the condemnation of the white man. The way Malcolm X narrates his experiences changesRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X1276 Words  | 6 PagesThe Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley, and Coming of Age in Mississippi by Anne Moody sheds light on how principles of ambition, pride, and faith throughout their lives paved individual paths for revolutionary success. Troubling upbringings as seen in both of their lives eventually instilled a drive that ultimately revolutionized America’s perspective of racial equality. Their worldview grows to encompass hum anity as one and is developed alongside their spiritual and cultural inquiryRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X Essay1152 Words  | 5 Pages1 2 THE AUTOBIOGRAPHY OF MALCOLM X Introduction Malcolm X?s autobiography written in collaboration with Alex Haley is an exciting story of personality transformation. During several years, Malcolm X told Haley his biography in several extensive interviews. Haley described and orchestrated the stories and Malcolm X edited and endorsed every part of the book. The story is narrated in the first person and it seems like Malcolm was writing this of hisRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X1701 Words  | 7 Pagesread the autobiography of Malcolm X. Malcolm X was one of the most controversial Men in American history. I’m familar with the name Malcolm X however, I’m not familliar with the works and background of Malcolm X. This is why I choose to read the autobiography of Malcolm X written by himself and Alex Haley. Which gives the read an insight on his background, beliefs, and the American society then. I believe that many people including myself have misunderstood Malcolm X. I believe that Mal colm X is misunderstoodRead MoreThe Autobiography of Malcolm X535 Words  | 2 Pages The autobiography of Malcolm X is a book that was published in 1965. It is of result of collaboration between human rights activist Mr. Malcolm X and journalist Alex Haley. The book depicts more about Malcolm X’s life, experiences and beliefs. The book again talks about spiritual conversion narrative that outlines Malcolm Xs philosophy of black pride, Black Nationalism. Malcolm was born in May 19th 1925 in Omaha to a family of Earl and Louise Little. The book also explains to us that he inheritatedRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X791 Words  | 4 Pageslife. Malcolm X told his life story of how he overcame in his autobiography simply called The Autobiography of Malcolm X as told to Alex Haley. His life changed the world historically, socially, and especially politically by taking a stand against racism of all kinds which still exists in today’s â€Å"modern†standards. Using his personal life experience with racism towards African-Americans, Malcolm spre ads the word on equality for all with a realistic tone that inspires trust in him. Malcolm X reachesRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X1278 Words  | 6 PagesMalcolm X, born Malcolm Little, is one of the greatest advocates for race in the nation. However, his opinion of the state of racial issues in our country, and what can be done to solve them. Trials throughout Malcolm’s life of personal opinions and events that have occurred have shaped his outlook on the issue. Alex Haley’s autobiography novel, The Autobiography of Malcolm X, reveals Malcolm’s changing views on the solution of race in this country through the shaping stages of experiences in hisRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X1634 Words  | 7 PagesThe Autobiography of Malcolm X was about one African Americans struggle during a time of extreme racism and discrimination to make a name for himself. Malcolm had many life experiences before tragically being shot and killed. He was a hustler in Harlem, a porter for a railroad, and was eventually a minister for the black Islam movement lead by Elijah Mahammad. Malcolm Little lived a very interesting life to become the man he will be remembered as. Right before Malcolm was born members of the KKKRead MoreThe Autobiography Of Malcolm X1505 Words  | 7 PagesCritical Book Review Book review based on The Autobiography of Malcolm X Introduction: This biography of Malcolm X was a book, which had a purpose of enlightening people on how blacks were treated, it mainly focused on the life of Malcolm and how it affected his life and changed him. Malcolm X is born and raised in Omaha, Nebraska, America. A country where racism is so prevalent that his family frequently gets into a confrontation with the KKK and Black Legion society due to his father being
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Research on Positive Accounting Theoryâ€Free Answers to Students
Question: Identify and Discuss the Theory and Concepts relevant to the Selected Article. Answer: Introduction The positive accounting theory is the new concept that has been laid down by the well known author Watts and Zimmerman and he has written the book on this topic Positive Accounting Theory. He has emphasized the importance of the positive accounting theory in the organizations and has lain down that the company will have help from this theory in understanding the behavior of the employees working in an organization and mainly in accounting department. The understanding will be base d only on the financial matters of the personnel working in the organization. After quoting the Watts and Zimmerman ideology in the first paragraph, the author has continues with the positive accounting theory and has rename it as the positive accounting research. The change signifies that the author has viewed the positive accounting research as part of the wider scientific project which will not only help the company having huge staff and work to understand the behavior of the personnel working in an or ganization but also will be helpful in understanding the cause of effect relationship of the human behavior prevalent in the organization. More emphasis has been laid down on understanding the cause and effect relationship as the subject of science will always help the reader as why something has happened and what are the effects for the same. Through this report the author has focused and lay down the importance of understanding the cause and effect relationship of the human behaviors and thus is the major aim of the study and thus to have scientific project is the main argument which has been flowed throughout the study. The report has been started with the introduction introducing the topic and the main aim and argument of the study and the structure that the paper has followed. Then the summary of the whole article has been explained detailing the main argument, what are the major findings and the arguments that have been flowed through the structure of the paper. Thereafter the question or element of research has been explained stating as to why the research has been undertaken including the importance of the research question and providing how the same has been flowed throughout the article (Kabir, 2011). Then the framework of the paper has been detailed. In this the structure that the author has followed in writing and article whether it is theoretical or practical the same has been detailed and also detailed how the framework has led the author to reach the question of research. Then the significance that the article has received from the various organizations and the reader has been discussed. Not only the significance the limitations have also been detailed and more interestingly the limitations that has been duly acknowledged by the author has more highlighted in this section. At the last the study has been concluded with the conclusion stating the outcome of the study. Thus, in this way the review has been framed. Summary After the introduction, the summary of whole of the article is very necessary to understand the basic purpose of the article. In the whole paper the author has very well argued that positive accounting research is the wider scientific project. He has come to this view because of the positive accounting theory that has been explained by the Watts and Zimmerman (Ghanbari, 2016). He said that the positive accounting theory if it is clubbed with the science then the organizations will not only have the idea of understanding the human behavior but also will help in understanding why the employees engaged in the organizations are behaving in the particular manner and what are the results that the company may have because of the behavior that has been noticed (Williams, 2012). The author has reached to this conclusion to treat the positive accounting theory as the positive accounting research only because of the fact that the science will be able to answer the why of any event or transactio n and the results of that event or transaction. The main aim of the study is to explain the cause and effect relationship of human behavior and the main argument is to view the project as the scientific research project. The author has supported his aim and argument with the use of the various theories of science, Georgia and practical framework of the popper who has used the statistical measures to achieve the results. The article has given worldwide contribution to not only the organizations but also to the individuals to provide them with the details to behave in the particular way and manner to give best to the organization. Thus, to summarize the whole article the positive accounting research has been viewed as scientific research project and aimed at explaining the cause and effect relationship of the human behavior of those working in the big organizations or complex organizations. Research Question The author has in the beginning of the article has categorically has mentioned that the Watts and Zimmerman has provided the positive accounting theory only making the people understand the human behavior of those working in an organizations but the author has lay down the importance of the understanding the cause and effect relationship of the same. It is well said by all the researchers that no research can be conducted without having the question of research clear and precise. Therefore, there should be clear question or element regarding which the research has been undertaken. The author has three questions which have been flowed throughout the article. First question is that whether the positive accounting research can be part of or viewed as the wider scientific project. It means whether the positive accounting research will be able to make the organization understand the cause and effect relationship of the human behavior like science. The second question that the author has f ramed is as to whether the research so undertaken has considered the financial matters or the non financial matters to understand the cause and effect relationship of the human behavior. Both of these questions are interlinked as science helps in explaining what are the factor that have led someone to act in particular manner or way and what can be the repercussions for that behavior. The same has been explained using the various theories and mathematical measures. The last question that has been considered by the author is that whether the project so undertaken shall have all the values that the other scientific project should have. All the three questions have been flowed very sequentially and hence have contributed to the wide end of the world organizations. Theoretical Structure The structure plays a very important role in any form of study whether it is related to the field of science or field of commerce or field of art. If the structure is developed in the haphazard manner then the work done or research so conducted will not provide the desired results as the organizations will be looking for. Thus, structure is considered as the backbone of each and every work. Structure is sometimes referred to as the framework or the lay out within which the work shall be performed. In the article also the author has laid down the proper framework and which has been followed very sequentially making the article useful and readable for the users. At first he has started with describing the Watts and Zimmerman theory explaining that: Theory will make the organization understand the human behavior of those working in an organizationTheory will explain only an in account setting which means that only on relation to those employees who are engaged in the preparation and presentation of the financial statements. Thereafter he has cited the scientific theories which explains thatA different world is in existence and which is in total independent of anyones imaginationEvent or transaction if any gets happened in that different world then the cause of the same is only those elements which are present and exists within the worldAny person who is rational and have common sense can understand or observe the event or transaction that have happenedAnd the observation will help the person to understand the cause and effect relationship of happening of the same event or transaction. This theory has been criticized by many people and says that there may be demonic powers also which can led that event or transaction. The author has further argued through the theory of the sophists commonly known as Georgia: In any kind of world whether same or different nothing existsAnd in case in that world something exists then any person having the common sense will have no information or knowledge about it andIn case that any person who is rational enough to understand anything got the information about that something then he or she will not be able to communicate the same to others (Trang and Thao , 2016). This theory has further been criticized by the theologians. And thereafter he has argued with the Kuhn model which describes that:There will be the puzzle or gamesThe games or puzzle will be played in the groupThe gift will be given to the winner of the game or puzzle within that group onlyAnd the gift so given does not depends upon the intelligence of the winner or knowledge he possessGenerally the gift is given to the Elite (Hauschild and Reimsbach , 2015). At the last the author has argued with the Popper theory of falsification of hypothesis that has lays down the calculations keeping in regard the auditor and the auditee relationship. This model has gain value in the article and at the end has been able to establish the results of understanding the cause and effect relationship of human behavior. Thus, the framework has led the author to reach at the research element. Singnificance and Limitations Along with the significance that the article has received from worldwide organizations and the readers of the article, the author has laid down some limitations in the article and which he himself has accepted while finalizing the research project. At the very first while describing the Kuhn Model, the author has himself accepted that the same model can never be fitted into the research project for which the author has undertaken the study (Christensen, 2016). In this model the gift is given to the elite and that too without relying on the intelligence of any person and rather gives directly to the Elite. It means that this model will never be able to provide the understanding of cause of such rewarding or distribution of gifts. Thereafter, while explaining the theories of the science and the sophists many group of people have disregarded it and have considered it as irrelevant whether they are theologians or other group. The same fact or limitations has been very well mentioned in t he article. Third limitation that he has acknowledged is that the research program so undertaken has been come out as weak detailing that the qualities that the scientific project shall have, have been lacking in the scientific project undertaken by the author. Thats why before conclusion of the article, the author has laid down the qualities that the scientific project shall have in order to become the successful research project. The same fact was further supported by the fact of Popper who states that the theory which cannot be disproved by it with the given observations can never be said as scientific theory. Thus, in this way the article has received the significance and the coupled limitations. Conclusion The review has been started with the introducing the topic and laying down the main aim and main argument of the study. The main aim of the study is to understand the cause and effect relationship of the human behavior working in the organizations and major argument is to whether the positive accounting research can be viewed as the wider scientific project. With this, the author has lays down the structure of study with the inclusion of proper theories and framework. Thereafter the author has mentioned the limitations and significance that the article has gained. Thus, to conclude, the article is very useful for the complex organizations. References Christensen, H.B, (2016). Accounting information in financial contracting: The incomplete contract theory perspectiveJournal ofAccounting Research,54, 399-424. Kabir H, (2011), Positive Accounting Theory and Science, available at accessed on 27-04-2017. Ghanbari, M., (2016), PAT (Positive Accounting Theory) and Natural Science available at accessed on 26/04/2017.. Hauschild B and Reimsbach D, (2015), Testing vs Building accounting theory with Experimental Research: Insights from management research, Journal of Behavioral Accounting and Finance, Vol.1, 83-89 Trang T and Thao P, (2016), Positive Accounting An effective trend for Vietnamese Accounting in the New Area, available at accessed on 26/04/2017. Williams P, (2012), The Logic of Positive Accounting Research, Journal of Accounting Organizations and Society, Vol. 14, 5-9
Sunday, April 5, 2020
Absent Fathers free essay sample
In The Other Wes Moore, by Wes Moore, both boys named Wes Moore without fathers living in their immensely poor neighborhood display the effects of living in a destitute area without a proper male mentor. Wes Moore, the author, was left without a father at age 4, which may have caused him to feel a lack of direction in the beginning of his life; in addition, living in a poor neighborhood may have caused him to be unable to see how success can come through education. His mother did indeed give him love, tried to get to him do well in school, and sent him to a private school, but Wes didn’t feel like trying to do well in school for at least two likely reasons. Wes always grew up in a place where most families had a low income. At Chinquapin Middle School in Baltimore: â€Å"Close to 70 percent of the kids were on the school lunch program†. We will write a custom essay sample on Absent Fathers or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Many of the parents of the community couldn’t afford to feed their children without financial aid from the government. Although he spent a lot of time living outside Baltimore, in the Bronx, he still lived in a place where crime and drugs were rampant. In places such as these, academic success would seem to be futile because of the lack of impression from people in their world. There wouldn’t be very many scholars, who had achieved a higher education and led a successful career that brought them happiness and a handsome salary. Living in Baltimore and the Bronx, Wes had nowhere to actually see with his own eyes how education could take him to great places. The death of the author’s father, and lack of a male mentor, definitely caused a stir of anger, confusion, fear, and possibly ended up in a depression that even affected how well he did in school. At such an early age, being hit with the sudden reality that your father is no more, emotions can become bottled up. According to a study in The Journal of Adolescence, the lower the GPA of students, the more commonly they were depressed. Wes had been left with a mental stigma for a part of his life, because of the death of his father, and his terrible performance in school is undeniable. In the third grade, he was reading at a second grade level. When attending Riverdale, he was hardly attending school and doing so terribly in academics that the principal called his mother. His mother then sent him to military school and because of that he was able to have male role models. Having male role models, arguably, was the main factor in how he turned his life around. He no longer felt the repressed emotions from when he was a child, and he eventually started to enjoy academics. Had he a father for all his life, he might have never had the same problems with academics and such. The other Wes Moore’s life was greatly influenced by his life’s circumstances. He also was raised in a destitute area where crime and drugs had taken over neighborhoods, and never had a real father figure. Young boys need a role model, and because he never had a male hero in his life, he looked to his brother as a role model. Even though his brother did not want him to get involved in the same crimes he was involved in: â€Å"To Wes, Tony was a ‘certified gangsta’†(Moore 27). Tony had an immense reputation in the drug game. He worked his way to the top, and naturally, such respect and reputation would appeal to other people. Wes eventually followed in Tony’s footsteps. He was also gravitated toward dealing drugs, because the only neighborhood he knew was filled with demand for drugs. His mother spread thin financially which was in part because they didn’t have any income coming from their father, and drugs seemed an easy way to make money in his world. He became heavily involved with selling drugs, and ultimately, he joined Tony in committing the crime that got them both into prison for the rest of their lives. With no father, Tony was the only one to look up to. Adolescents without fathers are twice as likely to drop out of high school, just as Wes did. Wes seemed doomed to never make it out of his poor, crime infested neighborhood, because of the environment and the absence of his father.
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Free Essays on Porn Analysis
Pornography Issues Analysis Since the mid-1980s, a strange sight has been on the political horizon. Feminists are standing alongside their archenemies,  ¡Ã‚ §conservatives and religious fundamentalists, ¡Ã‚ ¨ to call anti-pornography laws. This phenomenon threatens the well being of women in at least three important ways: feminism is no longer a stronghold of freedom of speech, women ¡Ã‚ ¦s unacceptable sexual choices are now under new attack, it involves rejecting the principle  ¡Ã‚ §a woman ¡Ã‚ ¦s body, a woman ¡Ã‚ ¦s right ¡Ã‚ ¨ (McElroy). According to University of Michigan professor, Catharina MacKinnon, who helped write the law brief,  ¡Ã‚ §in the US, the obscenity laws are all about not liking to see naked bodies, or homosexual activity, in public. Our laws in the US don ¡Ã‚ ¦t consist the harm to women. But in Canada it will now be materials that subordinate, degrade women that are obscene ¡Ã‚ ¨ (Hill and Silver). In 1983 and 1984, the Minneapolis city council passed the first civil rights antipornography ordinance written by MacKinnon and Dworkin, only to have it vetoed by the mayor both times. Then in Indianapolis the city council passed and the mayor signed the first version of the Dworkin-MacKinnon Ordinance was adopted in Bellingham, Washington by voter initiative, gathering over 62 percent of the vote. It met similar fate as the Indianapolis ordinance when Federal District Court Judge Carolyn Dimmick turned it down (Hill and Silver). Andrea Dworkin, the author to  ¡Ã‚ §Reply to John Irving, ¡Ã‚ ¨ critiques Irving ¡Ã‚ ¦s essay like he was a merciless, no good, vicious criminal. We all know that she stands very clearly on the side of antipornography. In her response, she uses her personal experiences to get her point across. This essay appeared in The New York Times in the March issue of 1992 (Selzer 526). This is about eleven years ago. Without a doubt, society sure has changed. These days you can ¡Ã‚ ¦t watch a T.V. show with... Free Essays on Porn Analysis Free Essays on Porn Analysis Pornography Issues Analysis Since the mid-1980s, a strange sight has been on the political horizon. Feminists are standing alongside their archenemies,  ¡Ã‚ §conservatives and religious fundamentalists, ¡Ã‚ ¨ to call anti-pornography laws. This phenomenon threatens the well being of women in at least three important ways: feminism is no longer a stronghold of freedom of speech, women ¡Ã‚ ¦s unacceptable sexual choices are now under new attack, it involves rejecting the principle  ¡Ã‚ §a woman ¡Ã‚ ¦s body, a woman ¡Ã‚ ¦s right ¡Ã‚ ¨ (McElroy). According to University of Michigan professor, Catharina MacKinnon, who helped write the law brief,  ¡Ã‚ §in the US, the obscenity laws are all about not liking to see naked bodies, or homosexual activity, in public. Our laws in the US don ¡Ã‚ ¦t consist the harm to women. But in Canada it will now be materials that subordinate, degrade women that are obscene ¡Ã‚ ¨ (Hill and Silver). In 1983 and 1984, the Minneapolis city council passed the first civil rights antipornography ordinance written by MacKinnon and Dworkin, only to have it vetoed by the mayor both times. Then in Indianapolis the city council passed and the mayor signed the first version of the Dworkin-MacKinnon Ordinance was adopted in Bellingham, Washington by voter initiative, gathering over 62 percent of the vote. It met similar fate as the Indianapolis ordinance when Federal District Court Judge Carolyn Dimmick turned it down (Hill and Silver). Andrea Dworkin, the author to  ¡Ã‚ §Reply to John Irving, ¡Ã‚ ¨ critiques Irving ¡Ã‚ ¦s essay like he was a merciless, no good, vicious criminal. We all know that she stands very clearly on the side of antipornography. In her response, she uses her personal experiences to get her point across. This essay appeared in The New York Times in the March issue of 1992 (Selzer 526). This is about eleven years ago. Without a doubt, society sure has changed. These days you can ¡Ã‚ ¦t watch a T.V. show with...
Friday, February 21, 2020
Crim230 Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1
Crim230 - Assignment Example The Supreme Court affirmed the court’s decision. I obtained the information on the case from the Westlaw website, an online legal research service. The case is significant to criminal justice system as it questions the application of the peremptory challenge by the prosecutor in criminal cases. The prosecutor’s reliance on the peremptory challenge in discharging off the four black venire men questioned whether the prosecutor used the sole basis of race to strike them off the venire. The Supreme Court’s affirmation of the court’s decision indicated that the peremptory challenge could not be used solely on the standard of race to exclude jurors (Reuters 10). My role in the case is that of prosecutor and i am advocating for the conviction of the defendant based on the charges forwarded against him. I am also advocating for the striking off of the four black venire men from the jury in line with using my peremptory
Wednesday, February 5, 2020
Health Needs Assessment Proposal (2,000 words) Essay
Health Needs Assessment Proposal (2,000 words) - Essay Example HNA for the two boroughs; getting started, identifying health priorities, assessing the health priority, planning for change and lastly reviewing the entire process. Newham is the most ethnically diverse borough in London, experiencing the highest birth rate and having one of the highest rates of deprivation, ill health and early deaths (NHS 2009, pp. 91). According to (2011, p. 4) the most recent data on employment in Newham indicates that it had the lowest employment rates in London, standing at 56.2% in 2008-09 and 59.5% in 2009-10 in comparison to London’s averages of 62.7% and 68.1% for the two years respectively. The diverse culture and high levels of deprivation and unemployment translate to existence of several health problems and health inequalities in Newham and thus lower health and wellness levels than London’s average. Redbridge on the other hand enjoys a similar or better health and well-being than London’s or England’s average as evidenced by significantly lower levels of most health considerations such as drug abuse, accidental injuries and teenage conceptions and generally a greater life expectancy (JSNA 2008, p. 58). The borough is similarly considerably multicultural, and bears health inequalities and problems (Trust for London and New Policy Institute 2010, Redbridge 2007, pp. 74-75). The decision to select these two boroughs was informed by the fact that they share a lot of considerations in terms of health needs assessment and yet have totally different health achievement profiles. The considerations for this step include the choice of population and the justification, the objectives of the HNA, the stakeholders to be involved, the resources required, the challenges and ways around them and lastly appraisal of the step (Cavanaugh and Chadwick 2005, p. 23). The populations selected in this proposal are the inhabitants of Newham and Redbridge boroughs. The subpopulations under question in both the boroughs are the
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Super Size Me: Film Report
Super Size Me: Film Report Chapter I: Introduction Morgan Spurlock the director of Super Size Me went on a daring adventure to test whether the claims made by two overweight/obese teenagers was true. Two teenagers claimed that they had received their condition as a result from the McDonalds Cooperation by eating their fast food. Seeing how McDonalds is the most populous fast food restaurant in the world. Many Americans do indeed follow a fast food diet but are unaware of the exact health results. Since America is growing in the percentage of overweight/ obese people in America there should be some data on what fast food restaurants have in this issue. Obesity has become a major health problem in the United States; with over 60% of adult Americans beingobese. Obesity can lead to an array of other diseases, an increased risk of illness and premature death. Chapter II: Review of Literature The documentary, Super Size Me, was not only created to show the harmful effects of eating fast food, namely McDonalds. Morgan created the film to show that fast food has become a fixture in our countrys culture. I learned the ongoing and fast rate obesity is growing. Diabetes is also playing a key role as well as psychological changes and side effects that can result from a high fatty diet. Marketing campaigns by fast food markets are stronger and louder than healthy eatingmessages. Being obese has now become the second largest preventable cause of death falling behind cigarette users. Each day, one in four Americans visits a fast food restaurant. This figure shows how the fast food market has really taken a grasp on American lifestyles with eating. With McDonalds making up of 43 percent of the fast food market today and shelling out more money in advertising alone compared to health food ads, its easy to see how the convenience of fast food has taken apart of Americans â€Å"culture†. In general, children and adolescents are eating more food away from home, drinking more sugar-sweetened drinks, and snacking on food that cost generally less than their healthy counterparts. Convenience has become one of the main criteria for Americans food choices today, leading more and more people to consume quick service or restaurant meals or to buy ready-to-eat, meals to prepare at home rather than the ordinary home-style cooking by the mother due to the fact that this requires far more work. Only 21 percent of young people eat the recommended five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. 32 percent of adolescent girls and 52 percent of adolescent boys consume three or more eight ounce servings of soda per day. And with, schools currently decreasing the amount of free play and physical activity that children receive during school hours this does not add up to a particularly healthy lifestyle. Only about one-third of elementary children have daily physical education, in which this time of life can set the tone on how children will lead their lives as they later grow up into adolescents. Spurlock goes on to show how our nation is becoming morbidly obese and the fast rate it is growing just by fast food in itself. In the United States alone it has reached epidemic proportions. Being overweight during childhood and adolescence increases the risk of developing high cholesterol, hypertension, respiratory ailments, orthopedic problems, depression and type two diabetes as a youth. With over 60 percent of adult Americans beingobese side effects can result from this, hypertensionbeing one of the most common side effects of obesity. Another complication associated with obesity is diabetes, with 15 million people alone in the United States being diabetic; approximately 10 percent are juvenile onset diabetics. The other 90 percent of diabetics are type two diabetics, commonly known as adult onset. Those who develop adult onset diabetes generally are diagnosed in their middle years, between 30 to 60 years old. This type of diabetes is almost always associated with obesity. The m ajority ofobeseindividuals with diabetes can reduce their complications by losing as little as 10 percent of their current body weight. Just being diagnosed with diabetes will automatically cut 17-27 years off a human life. Overweight in children and adolescents are generally caused by a lack of physical activity, unhealthy eating patterns resulting in excess energy intake, or a combination of the two. If people were to look at the long-term consequences, overweight adolescents have a 70 percent chance of becoming overweight or obese adults, which increases to 80 percent if one or more parent is overweight or obese. Within the documentary, Spurlock seems to contract the beginning stages of a severe condition calledsleep apnea. For people with this problem, it becomes more difficult to breathe at night as their weight increases. People with this condition typically snore severely and have episodes when they stop breathing completely, sometimes for up to one minute at a time. Sleep apnea although not as well known of a complication is still quite serious, and in many cases requires medical attention. The best method of treatment for any of the above side effects is weight loss. In 2000, the total cost of obesity for children and adults in the United States was estimated to be $117 billion ($61 billion in direct medical costs). Understanding the causes of childhood obesity can provide people with the opportunity of eating right and staying healthy. Chapter III: Methodology Before undertaking the experiment of living every childs dream by eating McDonalds for thirty days, procedures needed to be taken to ensure that data would be accurately recorded and that Spurlock would be obtaining the most accurate results possible. He must eat one of everything on the menu at least once, and when asked to super size his meal he must do so. Another requirement of Morgans experiment is that he can only take 5,000 steps a day to replicate the exercise that most average Americans get on a daily basis. He must also eat three meals a day, no exceptions and if McDonalds doesnt serve it Morgan cant eat it. To start, Morgan enlists three doctors to assist him through his thirty day documentary. A cardiologist, gastroenterologist, and a general practitioner all check him out at the beginning of the experiment. Spurlock, who stands six feet two inches tall, had a body weight of 185.5pounds, 11 percent body fat, perfect blood pressure, and cholesterol of 168, Morgan sported a very fit body before undergoing the McDiet. This is about as perfect of a body that someone can sport at the age of 32. Morgan also hires a nutritionist and dietician named Bridgett Bennet who will help track his progress. With the hypothesis of what results that may be seen from this diet, the cardiologist says that he expects to see a change in Morgans triglycerides, but he says that his liver will probably be able to metabolize the excess fat. The general practitioner says that Morgan will probably gain weight and that his cholesterol will probably go up as well. In my own personal opinion, an experiment I would use as a follow-up to Spurlocks would be a test to show more of a long term effect on eating at McDonalds. If I was a scientist and was studying the effects of eating fast-food, one way I would go about running this experiment would be to find two men of common age, height, weight, and healthy eating habits. Then I would have one of these men continue with their healthy eating, while the other man has McDonalds at least twice a week. The man who continued eating healthy would help provide a control for the experiment that Spurlock lacked. Even extending the period of the experiment to maybe two to three years will provide a more realistic view of the effects on McDonalds in a diet then an unrealistic every day and every meal experiment. Whether there would be a huge difference in the two men or none at all, I have no idea but I think that it would be a way to increase the validity of the lab that Spurlocks experiment lacked. Chapter IV: Presentation of Findings Even during the first few days of the McDonalds diet, Spurlock was showing signs of being visibly uncomfortable. One afternoon eating in his car after stopping at a drive-through, he was havingtrouble finishing his supersize fries, complaining that he was experiencing a McBelly ache, McGas, and McSweats. The results in the 30 day McDonalds diet is that there was change to the human body caused by fast food was in fact much worse than the three doctors had originally anticipated that occurred to his body after undertaking this experiment. Before, Spurlock was in taking about 2,500 calories per day, but when undergoing the McDiet, the calorie intake doubled to 5,000 per day. Morgan frequently pointed out that throughout his day, he felt depressed and sad, during his thirty day McDonalds diet. Spurlock claims he was hooked on fast food during his binge, feeling happy only while eating. I definitely went through serious withdrawal symptoms, including headaches, sweats, and shakes, and only when he ate another McDonalds meal did he find sanction from these symptoms. Over time Morgans weight dramatically increases, his health weakens and he begins to show signs of depression. Morgan at six foot two inches, 185 pounds, and 11 percent body fat was fit and lean at the start the month. After 30 days Morgan has gained 24.5 pounds and increased his body fat by seven percent, concluding that such an extreme diet really can be hazardous to your health. His cholesterol goes up, and so does his blood pressure. His doctor describes his liver function test results as obscene. His liver test came back to ratify the doctors conclusion, that his liver was starting to turn to fat. His cholesterol went from 168 to 230.He went from 11 percent body fat to 18 percent body fat. This was extreme for just thirty days. During his various checkups throughout the month, his body weight slowly increased except for one exception when one pound was lost. This is theorized that the excess fat he was obtaining was weighing less than the muscle mass that was being lost.The movi e presented some alarming facts.With only seven items on the McDonalds menu were sugar free along with the case that McDonalds can be found in nearly every city across America, this doesnt help the cause of the growing obesity pandemic in America. Chapter V: Summary/Implication/Discussion What else is there to be expected if you are eating fast food three times a day and getting little to no exercise? Since Spurlocks documentary Super Size Me argues that fast food is addictive but not in the typical way that someone would find it. It was only addictive in the case of finding a haven from the various side effects of not consuming fast food. Throughout the course of the documentary Spurlock uses humor to advance his thesis. He shows pictures of famous personalities to kids who look to be about six years in age. The children readily identify Ronald McDonald and George Washington but are stumped by a third picture. George W. Bush? one little boy ventures, No, but thats a good guess, says Spurlock, turning the picture toward the camera. Its a drawing of Jesus Christ. How does this help further prove that children are on a course of obesity just because they can identify the leading fast food figure? Its not the kids to blame that Ronald McDonald spends a great deal of time on commercials of children television commercials than Jesus himself does. As with Spurlocks exercise in extreme eating, Im not sure what that proves. The fact that kids know who Ronald McDonald is does not mean they will end up becoming obese. Similarly, Spurlock asks a group of tourists to stand in front of the White House and recite the Pledge of Allegiance, which they have trouble doing accurately and in unison. But when he asks about the components of a Big Mac, one of them wattles off, Two all-beef patties special sauce lettuce cheese pickles onions on a sesame seed bun. Im sure that if I went on to remember the list of what a Big Mac consists of, I can still avoid eating one. Throughout the movie I found one particular quote that stood out to me apart from the rest. It came from the words of Jared Fogle, the man off of the Subway commercials, commenting to a obese family that The worlds not going to change. You have to change. All in all, I think that this experiment was not valid. However, the effects resulting from Spurlocks experiment were too good to be true. Supersize Me†showed me very interesting things about eating at McDonalds. For example, it helped me realize that eating at McDonalds is a consumers choice. The meals provide a quick, easy, and cheap way to fill a persons stomach which definitely attracts many customers to eat at a restaurant. There is without a doubt that fast food comes at a costly sacrifice and being absurdly unhealthy. People, if they realized the facts of what they were eating you cant blame them for wanting a crack at the fast food industry of what it has done to their body. However the catch is, its your own choice to purchase the food they are selling. If people are really worried about their health, then they should take the measures of looking up exactly what it is they are consuming. Within months after the films release McDonalds excluded the Supersizing option. Nutrition information was printed right on food packages, and thousands of people may have started thinking twice before considering McDonalds for a meal. In this case of the documentary, â€Å"Supersize Me†was a hit success.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Guiliani vs Clinton :: essays papers
Guiliani vs Clinton The U.S. senate elections are right around the corner. All across the nation politicians from all parties are starting to lobby to gain support for various Senate seats. Who can run to be a Senator is outlined in the U.S. Constitution, which was written more than 200 years ago. The candidate must be over the age of 25 and must be a resident of the state he wishes to run for the Senate in. A promising candidate is Mayor Guliani. He has lived in New York most, if not all, of his life. During his 2 terms he has lowered the number of street vendors in Manhattan, has implemented stricter laws on cab drivers and increased fines for breaking certain laws; he has also decreased the sale and use of illegal fireworks by more than 95%. These are just a few of his accomplishments that have contributed to a safer and happier NYC. A "candidate" that is not as appropriate for the job of NY Senator is the First Lady, Hilary Clinton. She has lived in NY for only the past few days and has only one child that goes to college in California. During her husband's political career, she has been a strong supporter of her husband politically and personally, at least in the public’s eye. Over the past year rumors have spread of Hilary beginning an active political career, with her husband's winding to an end. During the past year the rumors have been more or less confirmed with Hilary buying a house in NY and her sudden "love" for the Yankees. Guliani's response has been to visit Hilary's former home, Arkansas, and gaining the support of its governor, who happens to be of an opposing party. The only benefit of this tactic was to mock Hilary's sudden conversions. Hilary can and probably will run for the Senate.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Aviatin Policy
Airline Policy & Strategy Assessment 1 Academic Year 2012-2013 Formulating Analysing & Researching Policy The first assessment for this module asks you to deconstruct a piece of tourism policy. It draws directly on the research paradigm outlined by Fidgeon & Ritchie (2005). In addition it develops the self-directed activities you have been recommended to undertake in your study pack together with our work in lectures and tutorials. As a consequence you should be familiar with all of the tasks being assessed in this exercise.Before you launch into the assessment, read the policy document you have been given thoroughly. In addition the assessment also requires that you find some additional detailed information. Check that you have it to hand. Engage with the literature here. This requires you to reference material and include this in a bibliography at the back of this assessment You have seven weeks to complete this task. The deadline for submission is 12 noon on Friday 22nd March 2013 . Answer in the space provided below each question.Alternatively if you wish you can replicate the assessment on your own PC and submit a word processed version. Completed scripts should be submitted to the Faculty Office (TC375) with an accompanying cover sheet. An electronic copy of your work should also be submitted through Turn-it-in by the same date and time. Remember, this should be treated as an individual task. Identical scripts will be treated as plagiarism and will be dealt with accordingly. This exercise will count as the equivalent of 40% to your overall assessment mark. If there are any problems see me at the end of your lecture or tutorial or lternatively make an appointment to see me at a mutually convenient time. Paul Fidgeon February 2013 Task 1. Tourism policy can be conceptualised as an integrated set of components. The first step in this process is to understand what you can do and what is legally, ethically and politically acceptable (the developmental philosoph y). To this end, what underlying philosophies have influenced this policy and how? Identify five here.  Task 2 From an understanding of the socio-economic and political parameters that influence a piece of policy it is possible to come up with a vision.With reference to the literature identify what is visioning? Provide an example of a vision statement from your policy document. (Note it may be necessary to read between the lines if this is not immediately obvious. ) Why is it necessary to undertake such an exercise? According to Meadows(2004) visioning means taking off the constraints of ‘’feasibility’’, of disbelief and past disappointments, letting your mind dwell upon its most noble, uplifting, treasured dreams. To ensure sufficient hub capacity is in place to handle forecast aircraft and passengers, with improved resilience.Heathrow has taken steps towards becoming Europe’s hub of choice. The capital investment programme has modernised Heathrow to provide a better experience for its passengers. Heathrow’s ASQ score, an internationally benchmarked survey measure of passenger satisfaction, has been improved from 3. 43 in 2007 to 3. 88 in 2011. It achieved its highest ever score of 3. 92 in the survey for the first quarter of 2012 which continues to position Heathrow as one of Europe’s leading hubs, with the airport ranking first among the five largest airports in Europe on 15 of 33 survey measures.Task 3 Any vision will always be influenced by the mission statement of the company or organisation responsible for formulating that policy. Identify the mission statement of this company/organisation. To give safety and security the highest priority at all times by systematically assessing and managing our safety and security risks through audited, best practice management systems. Task 4 Any policy will include a statement of what it hopes to achieve i. e. its aims. Outline any five policy aims taken direct ly from your policy document. 1. Terminal 2 Replacement.Which will have a satellite pier T2B, with 16 boarding gates catering for the largest aircraft. It will also have an energy centre that will be built with sustainability at its heart. 2. Airport Capacity Optimisation: To optimise capacity within the constraint of 480,000 ATMs. The western campus A380 stands projects will increase T3/T4 A380 capability in preparation for anticipated additional A380 aircraft. 3. Portfolio of projects: Encompasses the wider set of capital projects outside the major strategic business change programmes. It includes regulatory compliance, environment and safety. 4.IT/ Systems: The programme implements technology which reduces operating costs and delivers improved value to Heathrow’s business, airline and passenger stakeholders. Projects include: IT Security, Radio and Cellular infrastructure and Integrated Baggage IT. 5. Western Baggage product: The T3 Integrated Baggage System will replace t he life expired baggage infrastructure in Terminal 3. The project will provide the Terminal 3 airline community with a modern baggage facility, it will also improve minimum connect times and miss connect rates. Task 5 How will these aims be operationalised? i. e. ut into practice. (Note one sentence is all that is needed here) –Mission statement is to make every journey better. Task 6 Outline five demand and five supply orientated strategies found in your policy document. Demand Strategies 1. Balance capacity across the LHR campus 2. Be prepared for growth in A380 traffic 3. Protect Heathrow reputation 4. Minimising the effect of capacity constraints at Heathrow 5. Support argument for future Capacity at LHR by delivery of Environmental Benefit Supply strategies 1. New model line 2. Terminal five transfers Add security Lanes 3. T3 South Wing HVAC Replacement . Way finding strategy Initiative 5. Terminal five early bag store capacity increase Task 7 Clearly some ‘entityà ¢â‚¬â„¢ (i. e. body or organisation) must be designated with the responsibility for writing, co-ordinating and implementing any policy document. In the case of this policy, who has such responsibility? How do they envisage conducting their role(s)? For example, will they take total responsibility for the document and its content or will they designate certain responsibilities? – A comprehensive structure is in place to engage with the airline community on the Q5 programme and beyond.The Joint Steering Team (JST) provides a forum for cross campus consultation and is attended by representatives from the home based carriers, the alliances, IATA and the AOC. The Information Technology (IT)/Systems scope is covered by three separate portfolios; Airport Operational Systems, Infrastructure Renewal and Business Planning and Support Solutions The management and allocation of PSDH funds is governed through the Joint Steering Team (JST). Task 8 Finally we used the term stakeholder for a ny person who seeks to influence the policy making process.Give some examples of the stakeholders who influenced this policy document. How were they involved? (How did they get their views across? ) Were they successful in influencing policy decisions? Again it will be necessary to engage with the wider literature here to fully answer this question. Hall( 2002) states that anyone who can influence the process of making policy individual, group, political party, preserve group. The Surface Access Stakeholder Programme Board was formed in November 2009, the programme Board meets on a quarterly basis and is chaired by the Heathrow Surface Access Project Manager.The purpose is to ensure airlines and key stakeholders are engaged with the Programme objectives and delivery, so that the objectives are achieved.. it provides stakeholders with an overview of all solutions in the programme to assure alignment and also demonstrate compliance with the CAA Q5 CIP settlement Annex G. The principal interfaces associated with this programme are many and cover the breadth of the existing Capital Delivery Programmes right through to the CAA.These interfaces are centrally about the development of information upon which the Q6 Capital Investment Plan will be based. These interfaces are therefore central to this programme being successful. Internally the team will be leveraging the appointed business unit Champions in identifying and generating effective engagement with key areas of the business. Externally key airline stakeholders will have a significant part to play. External sub groups are focusing on the development and review of key concepts as part of the development of the Q6 Capital Investment Plan.Mark Allocation In planning your time you might find it useful to consult the following table. This outlines the allocation of marks attached to each element of this assessment. Obviously spend the most time on those questions with the greatest number of marks. Task 1 10 marks Ta sk 2 5 marks Task 3 2 marks Task 4 5 marks Task 5 1 mark Task 6 10 marks Task 7 7 marks Task 8 10 marks Total 50 marks Airline & Airport Policy Module code: TH60052E Module Leader: Paul Fidgeon Student Name: 21067373
Friday, January 3, 2020
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